Snow Removal Services in Meredith, Laconia, and The Lakes Region of NH
❆ Snow Plowing
❆ Snow Blowing
❆ Snow Shoveling
❆ Salt/Sand Services
❆ Ice Dam Removal
❆ Snow Roof Removal
❆ Snow Pile Pushback/Removal
❆ Road/Sidewalk Pre-Treatment
❆ Winter Property Security Checks
“I take my clients safety seriously, and always perform in a professional manner. If you want a professional job done, by the only dedicated Snow Removal Company in The Lakes Region, contact me at (603) 387-9902, to schedule a meeting and get a free estimate.”
Shawn Stuart, owner of NH SNOW PROS LLC in Meredith, NH

Every year, thousands of people wind up in the emergency room after having tried to do their own snow removal. One past hospital study found that nationally, there were over 11,500 injuries/medical emergencies related to snow shoveling and other snow-clearing activities. Over half these mishaps involved soft tissue injuries from slips and falls, with a fair percentage of lacerations and bone fractures as well.
And then you have the not insignificant risk of heart-related issues among those who are not in good condition…as well as the possibility of back-related injuries
Snow is heavier than you might think. Light and fluffy snow weighs in at around 7 pounds per cubic foot, but when snow gets dense and wet, It climbs to over 20 pounds per cubic foot. When you are shoveling a long walkway or driveway, the total weight you’re lifting could go well into the hundreds of pounds. One NY cardiologist, Lawrence Phillips, says “The amount of work that goes into shoveling snow is tremendous. People are pushing to clear a driveway or sidewalk, and they are not thinking about how their body is responding to that … People will underestimate the amount of work they are doing.”
Making the situation worse is the physiological fact that your blood vessels constrict when you’re working out in the cold, further taxing the heart.- Researchers have discovered that people over 55 will be 4X as likely to incur heart-related incidents as younger patients while shoveling snow. The researchers also found that men are twice as likely as women to experience symptoms. Men tend to be goal-oriented and will just “dig in” and work til the snow is gone – or until disaster strikes. Another thing that people don’t think about is how ambulances may not be able to get to patients as fast as they normally would because of a storm, and if somebody is having a heart attack, time is absolutely precious
Pushing a snow blower through heavy snow can also be exhausting. Shoveling a snow-covered roof can be deadly, and even sanding a driveway with light snow over black ice can invite a fall. Stay inside where it’s safe. Let NH SNOW PROS LLC in Meredith, NH take care of your snow and ice management. We do it all – and we get the job done!
Winter is coming. What!?, How can you say that?, it’s just August!. Well i guess we do have some Summer fun left before the Snow and Ice comes back, However, you may want to start getting estimates for Snow Plowing now. Believe it or not, the good companies can book up really fast and booking earlier can save you money. Here are some good tips to find that perfect Snow Removal Company.
Consumers should get more than one estimate.
Shawn from NH Snow Pros,LLC here in Meredith, NH. suggests that you should always get more than one estimate before choosing a company for service. Also, Make a list of the services you want the Companies to perform and the time of day you expect service to be provided to you. This way, the Snow Removal Companies are giving you estimates based on the same information.Remember, it’s okay to ask questions about pricing and procedure. Keep in mind the lowest price doesn’t always mean the best service. Some companies have older equipment or do it on the side. They may be cheaper, However they may also break down or just not show up. Like with anything else, you get what you pay for.
Always get a contract. Verbal agreements don’t work. A Professional Contractor will always insist on providing his customer with a written contract. A professional company will visit the property and discuss the services available, take notes on any obstacles on the property, and most importantly, put it all in writing so you know what to expect and what your costs will be.
Don’t be afraid to ask for references.
Keep in mind, a reputable snow plowing business will not mind giving you references. If a company won’t provide proof of insurance or references, that is a big red flag. Remember these tips to make your winter nice and easy,(well, at least the Snow Removal part of it anyway!).
NH SNOW PROS, LLC are The Lakes Region’s experts in snow removal and snow plowing, offering the highest level of snow and ice management. We develop a customized snow clearing site plan for each homeowner or business, offering families and businesses both better service and more value for their dollar. With NH Snow Pros, LLC, customer service is most important to us.
NH SNOW PROS LLC- A name you can trust!
For more information see OUR SERVICES page
[divider]71 NH Route 104 Suite 4-40, Meredith, NH 03253 (603)387-9902